What to bring to an Interview

Jeelani     03:17  

Interview Preparation:  What should you bring to the Interview

Being prepared when you reach for your interview is a must.  Never show up empty-handed.  Follow our easy checklist and make sure that you have everything you need:

Interview Essentials Checklist:

2 Copies of your resume
The Address of the Interview Location
Directions to the Interview Location
Names and Positions of persons that will be interviewing you if available
Names and Telephone numbers  of the persons that are coordinating the interview
Pen and Paper
ID Proof
List of References
Your Portfolio
A Bag / Briefcase / Smart Back-pack
Folders to keep your resume and other papers in
An extra shirt (in case something happens to the one you are wearing)

Some Extras:

Grooming Items (comb, breath freshener etc)
Safety Pins

Some thing to avoid bringing to the Interview:
Friend / Families
Chewing Gum
Non-interview related things such as shopping bags etc.

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