Employer Interview Tips

Jeelani     03:07  



Employer Interview Tips

It is important to select the right candidate who is fit for the organization. It's interviewer's responsibility to select the right candidate. Selection of the wrong candidate is always a big problem for organization. Employer interview tips helps employer for how to behave during the interview. Employer must be very careful while interview process.
Following are some employer interview tips:
  1. The Interview The interviewer also need preparation for the interview. Develop a list of questions that you will ask each candidate. If you ask the same questions of each individual, you will be able to make a better comparison. As you interview a candidate, keep in mind that your objective is to determine if he/she is the right person for the job. Remember you should never ask questions about race religion, age, and ethic background or health issues.
  2. Introducing the interview You can start the interview by telling your name and hand shake. During interview, first give a short introduction about what is expected. State how long the interview is going to last. Allow him/her for writing notes.
  3. Objectives of the selection interview As the candidate has to find out about the job and the organization, it is important for the employer to find out about the candidate. Remember one thing that interviewers are representing the organization. Keep in mind that every candidate should feel that they have had a fair hearing during their interview.
  4. Taking notes Tell the candidate you will be taking notes. Be open about it. do not take notes in such a way that the candidate can see what is being written. Be careful about timing.
  5. Preparation Ensure that you know what the information you want from the candidate and give a good impression by being familiar with the applicant's details.
  6. Rapport If you react more open with candidates then they will give much more information about themselves. The Interviewers should try and provide a supportive and friendly environment, which is also giving them the information that they want. The interviewer can strike up a rapport by listening, providing verbal cues and providing non-verbal clues.
  7. Listening Interviewers should always concentrate on what the candidate is saying. There is lot information, which will be provided by the candidate. The interviewer must have ability to recall it, use it, relate it to the person's qualifications, check it for inconsistencies, etc.
  8. Questioning Interviewer wants to obtain information about the candidate. Therefore, you must keep candidate talking approximately 70% to 80% of the time and the key to this is the type of questions, which are asked. Following are some types of questions commonly asked in an interview are:
    • Open Questions Open questions are designed to enable candidates to provide facts and information, to describe things, to express feeling of opinions and to get the candidate talking.
    • Closed Questions In the closed questions, the answers are in the form of yes or no. Some closed questions cannot be avoided during the course of an interview, but you should attempt to ensure that the majority of the questions are open ones.
    • Double-Headed Questions These occur when two or more questions are asked in one go. The candidate will either answer the questions they want to answer or they just might forget one of the questions. It is best for the interview to ask the questions one at a time.
    • Leading Questions The answer to these questions is given away in the question itself. This occurs when the interviewer prefaces the questions with information either from the job description or the person's resume.
    • Hypothetical Questions The interviewer describes a situation to the candidate and asks then what they would do. Avoid so many questions of this type because what a person says they will do in a given situation might be completely different from what they would actually do. It is much better to look at how the person has handled situations in the past.
    • Self-Assessment Questions The interviewer asks candidates to assess themselves. These are very difficult questions to answer. Once the interview is over, the interviewer has to decide, whether the candidate is suitable for the job or not.
  9. Ending the interview At the end when the interviewer has completed his/her questions, an opportunity must be given to the candidate to ask questions about the job. When this is over, the interview should be formally ended. After the end of interview, the interviewer has to do some things like:
    • Tell the candidate when and how they will be contacted with a decision.
    • Thank them for their time, showing interest in the position and the organization.
    • Show them out of the room.
  10. Taking decisions The interview is an information gathering exercise. When all the information has been collected together and evaluated, then the decision is taken.
  11. Do's
    • Schedule the same amount of time for each candidate.
    • Choose an environment free of distractions.
    • Based on individual resumes/applications, prepare specific questions you want to ask the applicant to help you further understand his or her experience or knowledge.
    • Focus on learning about the person's experience, abilities, and personal qualities.
    • Ask open-ended questions.
    • Keep notes on candidate responses.
    • Use a rating grid to compare the candidates to the position profile.
    • Create a comfortable environment. Provide water, tea, or coffee. Anticipate nervousness.
    • Focus on questions that help you assess ability and fit with your organization.
    • Allow sufficient time to answer the questions.

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